Extrabend – 30 reed, all bending diatonic harmonica

205 $240 $

The Extrabend takes the small 10 hole Richter harp to an unprecedented new level of expression.

The OverValve system developed together with Brendan Power enables optimal x-reed gap settings without compromising single note response, which is most apparent on the top 4 hole drawbends.

Invented and designed by myself the comb extends the OverValve system to all 10 holes for the first time in the history of diatonic harmonica.

All technology put into this harp gives you full chromaticity throughout 3 octaves, all notes can be bent both blow and draw. You can download a detailed description on manufacturing here.

It is available from G to E in all keys. The harp is based on Suzuki SUB30 reedplates, entirely hand assembled with own design laser engraved covers, embossed reedslots, in house made lasercut Overvalve Pate, overvalves and CNC machined black corian comb. 

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A, C, D, Bb, B, Eb, E, LF, G, Ab, F